AR for managing underground utilities: ARinfuse joins forces with the ASITA annual conference in Trieste
The ARInfuse workshop “Augmented Reality in the management of the underground utilities” took place in Trieste (Italy) on November 13th, organized by the Italian partner GISIG in collaboration with AM/FM. The seminar was held during the ASITA annual conference, one of the most important Italian events in the geomatic sector. The aim of the workshop was to present to the community of geoinformation and geomatic the preliminary results of ARInfuse, showing how the technologies of Augmented Reality can be implemented in multiutilities, in order to improve performance and optimize human and financial resources. The event was intended for training providers and for IT, GIS and utility sector professionals coming from all over Italy. The programme of the half-day workshop was the following: Introduction to the ARInfuse project Augmented Reality as…